Saturday, May 2, 2009

Safe in Jesus' arms

Have you ever doubted how safe you could be in Jesus' arm? I learnt a lesson a couple of days back. A lesson of faith. From my baby.

It was a stormy day. Lightning and thunder and heavy rain. Hannah was rudely awakened by a deafening thunder. I too, was afraid (shh... yes... I am afraid of lightning). I cuddled Hannah as she slept. She was totally calm and slept peacefully in my arms.

I looked at her and I realised she trusted me. She trusted that mummy will protect her from that frightening sound and light. She trusted that she could rest totally without a second thought. She slept soundly. And even as the lightning continued to flash and thunder continued roaring, Hannah slept like a baby!( Yes, she's a baby).

Then as I looked at her, I remember that I too am safe in Jesus' arms. Yet, unlike Hannah, I often forget. I forget that I am safe. I fret, I struggle and I lack peace. I must learn to rest in Jesus' arms and be at peace even when I am in the midst of the tempests of life.