Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hannah's first roll over! and more...

Today as I rested Hannah on the sofa beside me while I had breakfast (our new routine) she surprised me with her stunt! She kicked her legs in the air and with a whooping twist, she turned over to her stomach down position. She struggled like she was in water and she tried to lift up her head which seemed to weigh a ton. Her legs kicked furiously and one arm was trying to support her entire body to be upright. The other hand unfortunately was still stuck under her chest/stomach. Then she started protesting with her 'grunts'... I turned her over. She tried again but failed time after time to flip over. Finally she was tired and decided to be contented facing up.
Well, I am happy to have captured that FIRST successful attempt! :)

I have been reading a book about SAHMs. It really voiced out my inner thoughts and wow, someone could understand the struggles I go through! :) It is inspiring and it certainly is an uplifting one to read when a SAHM gets tired...and start to question her decision. :)

Sometimes though, I feel that I am too easily persuaded by the books I read. Maybe I should learn to be very objective and reflect to find out what is it that I truly want... Or rather what my friend said, : When we seek to do what God wants, we please Him and ourselves. When we seek to do what we want we ended up pleasing neither. So I take back my last sentence and correct it to: What God truly wants of me. :)

1 comment:

  1. good for you! =) continue to seek Him ya! I am sure God will reveal when the time comes! hugz
