Tuesday, May 12, 2009

She laughed. I teared.

Hannah laughed. This time it was not in her dreams. This time it was a clear response to me who was playing with her.

Well it was late at night and she still refused to sleep after her last feed so i just carried her and propped her against my bended knees and started playing with her. She laughed out loudly as if she has been tickled! Naturally I laughed too. I shouted for hubby to come and witness that cute moment. He knelt beside us and watched us play. This time Hannah laughed really loudly and we started laughing too. And something just welled up in my eyes. Somehow I feel overjoyed and touched. I wonder why.

Shortly after, daddy rocked her to sleep.

Talking about tears, I experienced 'heart in my mouth' sensation last afternoon. After much consideration whether I should wean Hannah off her mittens, I decided to do so. Well, my rationale being, it's time for her to start exploring her sense of touch and I shouldn't keep protecting her to the extent it hinders her development. My concern was that she loves rubbing her face, ears, eyes, mouth.. you get the drift. I fear her scratching and hurting herself. Anyway, I took off her mittens.

Then I heard a loud cry. I knew from the way it sounded, something must have happened. I ran to her cot and saw her eyes red and her hand on her face. I carried her and hugged her and was so scared that she has lost her sight or something! I was ready to cry as I pried away her fingers and to my relief it was still intact. Well, the white part of her eye was a little red. I took a toy and started testing her sight to see if she could still focus and follow the toy. Thank God she could.

Immediately, I put back her mittens and sternly told her: ' Mittens for you! No more bare hands!'.

Oh my sweet little baby.


    this is scary.

  2. Oh yes... so now I only 'air' her fingers and let her explore when I am watching or feeding her. Sigh... wonder how I'm going to wean her off....
