Look at how happy Hannah looked before the jab.
Then we went for the compulsory 6-1n-1 jab. six in one! Goodness... those were the days when they first invented 2 in 1 shampoo. Then with time, 3-in-1... and now even jabs come in such package. 6-in-1. Can you imagine how lethal that was!
After breakfast and a good nap, we brought Hannah down to the clinic for her jab. She seemed to know something 'bad' was going to happen because she was rather unsettled. Although I was carrying her she was a little fidgety- which is not like her usual self. Then we sat down beside Dr Wang as he prepared the deadly dosage. I cuddled Hannah close to me and her daddy held her thigh down. I could not bare to look at the sight so I just kept my eyes on Hannah as the injection took place. Poor Thing! She wailed! But only for a short moment. Our brave baby! :)
We went home and Hannah was totally knocked out. She slept a lot and woke up drowsily for her meals. She seemed to have lost her appetite. Anyway the fever only came late in the evening. We decided to turn in early. We fed her parecetamol but she hated it. She vomitted it out almost instantly together with her last feed. Not knowing how much of the medicine came out and how much remained inside, we decided best not to feed again. We resorted to the primitive but most effective way - cold towel on the forehead.
I slept first while hubby stayed up to change the towel and take Hannah's temperature. Until 1230am. I woke up to feed Hannah and to clock my night shift. Somehow I just could not sleep soundly. Perhaps knowing that Hannah is right beside me and she could fall into a bout of fits should her fever hits 38deg made me drift in and out of sleep. I took her temperature every hour or so until 5.30am. I couldn't take it any longer. Went to wake hubby up to clock his shift...
The rest is history.
As i type this now, Hannah's asleep. Her fever has subsided for now. We hope that it is for good. The next injection will be on the 1st July. I hope the innoculation won't be as lethal the next round.
Check out my poor baby:
She was a darling though she was sick. She slept most of the time. When she was alert she was still smiley and chatty. Check out the primitive wet towel vs the modern cold gel pad. I think the primitive one is more effective although it was constantly swiped off by Hannah's hands!

AWWW!!! poor baby! but i guess it is good for her.. Greater immunity for the GERMS OF THE WORLD! she looks so cute asleep...like a little serene angel... *hugs little hannah*
ReplyDeleteAHHHH! the smiling picture of Hannah is soo cute.
ReplyDeletewah! really brave baby! hope she recover well! =)
ReplyDeleteif i am you, i also can't bear to see the jab go in.
Yeah loh. poor thing right. But she's brave la. Now she's fine already. Thank God! :)
ReplyDeletebrave baby Hannah! :)