Monday, April 27, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine

Hannah 1 and 2 months old

Hannah laughed. Or should I say she guffawed? Well hubby and I were sitting before the TV watching our Saturday night DVD while I had ?Hannah in my arms patting her to sleep. She was quite asleep already but I wanted to cuddle her a while more. Then suddenly she laughed out loud. Laughed hysterically! With her stomach moving up and down and mouth wide but eyes closed. We stopped the DVD, stared and her and started laughing too. It went on for a while and started again and again and again. She is SO CUTE! Wished I was in time to record down that sound.

I will get a recorder when she starts to speak a few more months down the road. I realized that people usually only keep photos of their kids. I don't want to miss out their voices! I remember when I was a kid my grandma looked after both my cousin and I. My cousin could only fall asleep when she hears her mummy's voice. So we came up with a project! Grandma, aunt and I recorded a cassette. I was the one who said the title and page of each hymn and both grandma and aunt will sing the hymn. The cassette was then played 24/7 whenever my cousin was in the 'cradle'. My grandma kept that CD for a long time. And she gave it to me when I was in P3. I heard my voice (when I was in kindergarten) and I squealed in delight. I sounded so cute. I thought.:) Unfortunately, I misplaced the cassette and that became a part of my childhood memories.

I want to have a recording of Hannah's voice. When she calls daddy and mummy and everyone else. When she starts to sing. When she starts to speak. Now it is a bit hard to predict when she will utter those 'agurs...' but perhaps I should record down her cries. :)

PS: can see how much she has grown in a month?


  1. hhahah i realised I typed " my grandma kept that CD for a long time". That time where got CD?! It's cassette la. But I thought i shan't edit it. See how many of you realise my mistake:P

  2. wah she has a know it all face! wise little sage.
