Sunday, May 17, 2009

Every day is a surprise

You never know what each day holds.

Well, I suppose nobody knows for sure what the day ahead entails.. but at least things are pretty much expected. Say, your lunch break. Who you will see. What deadlines you need to meet. What time to wake up, which bus to take, what time to report to work, what time to knock off from work.... and if you are a teacher, everything is more structured. Your day is simply divided up into periods. And you can be sure of the number of English periods you'll have, which components of the language you will be teaching, number of worksheets to distribute, who to punish for not completing the homework... you get my drift.

Being at home with a baby is an entirely different experience. You don't know what time she will wake up. It could be 2 hours after you retire for the night. It could be at daybreak. It could be anytime. That uncertainly makes you cherish the moment you hit the pillow because nobody knows how long that sleep can last. You don't know when lunch break will be. Well, lunch can only be prepared when the baby is contented with her feeding and agreed to sleep. So it could be 11 odd, 12 odd,1 odd,2 odd... And even you get to prepare your food, you never know whether you can successfully whip out an edible dish... well, you could be interrupted halfway while frying an egg by that unexpected cry for attention.

You have absolutely no idea how the baby will behave that day. No idea what teachable moments you'll have. No idea if you'll get to shower or catch a wink or read a book or check the mail or... Yes, by and large the baby's schedule is somewhat a routine but it is still full of uncertainties. Oxymoron?

The good thing is, you are never bored. Cos you won't know when your baby is going to smile at you or show you some new tricks:)

Every day is a surprise staying home with Hannah. As much as I dream of returning to work at times I know that parenting is a season that will pass. And when the season has passed by, I will return to the mundane working life and look back at this season, these fond memories that I share with Hannah each day.


  1. yup! it is really an interesting phase of life ya! =) let us treasure while we have it! =)

  2. yes. Yeah, we human beings need to be reminded to cherish each day, dont we. :)
