Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Idiot Box

Hannah turns almost instantly to TV whenever one is switched on and it's near her. It is amazing how much this idiot box seems to be able to captivate her attention even at such a tender age. It's either the sound or most likely, the light and flashes that attracted her.

We've noticed this a month or so ago already just that these days the magnetic pull is getting stronger. I have to feed her somewhere away from the box if I want her to finish that bottle with no distractions. And we have also learnt that she stops crying (no matter how fussy she was or how hungry she was) the moment her eyes got fixed on a TV screen. No wonder they say TV is a fantastic babysitter.

But, no. I'm not going to let that happen. We believe strongly the theory of how the quick flashing images will overstimulate the impressionable mind and in turn impede the development of the brain. I am totally convinced that it will eventually lead to short attention span if not deficit. It will lead to a 'lazy brain' that will prefer TV anytime to a book because it requires less work, less imagination, less brain power.

Well, I guess I am not to the extreme that the TV at home must all be locked up somehow. However, I see no need for babies or toddlers to be learning through the box no matter how 'educational' they are. Yes, I don't deny the content of the materials and media to be of great benefits and learning points but I think the harm caused is much more than whatever learning the baby could reap. Anyway, isn't mummy or daddy or any caring adults better role models than the TV? TV programme, cartoons and enjoyment from the idiot box can come when my baby is a lil' older. We can enjoy TV together as a family then.

For now, get out of my baby's sight you idiot box.

PS: I'm not being rude by calling the TV an 'idiot box'. If you are, by any chance a bookworm club fan, you will appreciate this term coined by Edison.


  1. Agree! books are way better. the world of books are much deeper and more interesting than the Tv.

  2. oooh..learnt a new term from Edison thru you! =) interesting! i think your theory and conviction is valid too! press on ya!

  3. hahah... ay, not Thomas Edison lei...:P

  4. hmm so when will be a more appropriate age for them to start watching tv? YC

  5. Well different school of thots apparently. Some feel by 4. Some all the way... For me, at least as much as i can control. And in the meantime quickly make her fall in love with books first. Hopefully that way when TV comes she'll still prefer books. But one never know until one tries. So... will see how Hannah respond to it someday.:P
