Monday, February 2, 2009

No she's not out yet

We visited the Gynae last Thursday and I was put on CTG. Guess what, it reflected contractions! Twice, 20 minutes apart! Yes! She's coming! I was told uring those antenatal classes that once the intervals become 10 minutes apart, we should proceed to the hospital.
Excitement. Gynae gave me all the necessary document for admission.
Went home. Nothing happened. Concluded that what the machine has detected was probably braxon Hicks. After all, I didn't feel any special sensation.

Next night, 5 plus am, I felt contractions again. I was like, " Bring it on, baby!". Waited. Another milder one came along. Kept my fingers crossed. Once more and Iwill wake hubby up.

When are you coming out Hannah? Mummy's getting a little impatient...
1) I want to see your face.
2) You are getting fatter.
3) I am getting heavier.
4) I am increasingly 'penguin-i-fied'. I waddle about like one these days.
5) I want to HIT the GYM and SWEAT!!!! (Gosh I haven't perspire for 9 months? Maybe I am accumulating it for the Big day, labour!)

Check out what I've found on the net:

step1* Walking
*Walking is not only great for your body but it can also help you to bring on labor. Walking helps your baby to get into the right position to help labor start naturally on its own. It has also been said that it brings on the release of oxytocin, helping you to go into labor. You need to use caution however and not ever exert yourself. You don't want to be so tired from walking that you are exhausted during labor. You are going to need your energy!

Step2* Acupuncture
*Acupuncture is the Chinese meditation method that is used for many different reasons. Acupuncture is said to relax your body and stimulate your energy while helping your to heal in different ways. it is safe for baby as well as mom, and some surveys really do insist that it works to bring on labor. So if you can handle thin needles going into your skin in different areas around your body you can give this a try.

Step3* Sex
*Even doctors tell you that sex can help bring on labor. As long as your water has not broken you can try having sex with your partner and it is said to help bring labor on in three different ways...* It helps to stimulate the uterus* Sex can release oxytocin (the hormone that helps you go into labor,) semen contains a high * Semen contains high level of prostaglandins which helps to soften the cervix and begin dilation.Of course sex may be a bit difficult at this stage of your pregnancy but it can help you to go into labor. Make sure you are as comfortable as can be during sex at this stage.

Step4* Nipple stimulation
*Stimulating your nipples can produce oxytocin that brings on labor. You or your partner can either rub or roll your nipple gently for a period of time to release oxytocin. Although my doctor told me that this method does in fact work but for some reason it makes your contractions come on heavily. Of course each woman is different and doing this may lead you and your partner to having sex which also brings on labor.

Step5* Eating spicy foods
*Although there is no proven evidence that this theory works, many have said that it worked for them. If you are not used to eating spicy foods then use caution since it can give you heartburn and even irritate the bowel.

Step6* Meditation
*Relaxing your body and mind is a good way to help ease yourself into labor. If you are totally relaxed imagine that you are going into labor and your imagination and subconscious mind may end up taking you there. It has been thought to work well for many. The more relaxed you are the better for you and baby anyway, so there is no reason why you should not try it. You can take a relaxing bath to help relax you or get a massage, anything that completely relaxes you will help ease you into this mode.

Step7* Raspberry leaf tea
*This method is recommended to be used in the final weeks of labor since it strengthens your uterus and helps prepare it for labor. Having a couple cups of Raspberry leaf tea can help prepare your body for labor and it does taste great as well.

When you are at the end of your pregnancy so many people are giving you advice to help ease you into labor. Just know that when your body is ready it will happen and if you are overdue you can talk to your doctor about being induced. Don't try to hard to make yourself go into labor, the longer baby is in the womb the healthier she/ he will be. Once your labor comes on you will surely know!Make sure you talk to your doctor before trying any methods since some can be harmful to baby. Remember there are two of you in this labor and not just yourself! Baby knows when it is time and your body will let you know.Good Luck and remember that no one is pregnant forever, so relax!

This is great comfort!

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