We went to the gynae on Thursday as scheduled. Did CTG as usual and to the nurses' excitement, the contractions were regular and was aout 5-7 minutes apart. Dr. asked me if I could feel the contractions... I only felt the tightening and breathlessness whenever that happened. He did a check and said that the cervix was very thin, I was already 3cm dilated. He predicted Hannah to be out ANYTIME. Said, I might see some show from the mucous plug and waters may break or once the contractions get too unbearable we should admit to Mt A. He said he probably won't have to see us at the clinic again... but just in case... he gave us an appointment on Monday.(But he seemed very sure that baby will be out in the 'next two days'.
Whoa! The impending wait seemed coming to an end. Suddenly when he mentioned all that, we were on cloud nine. Hannah's finally coming! Two days! Cool! It could be tonight even! Two days would meant 13th, 14th or 15th.
Then the great countdown begun once again.
Whoa! The impending wait seemed coming to an end. Suddenly when he mentioned all that, we were on cloud nine. Hannah's finally coming! Two days! Cool! It could be tonight even! Two days would meant 13th, 14th or 15th.
Then the great countdown begun once again.
The contractions came on stronger. I could feel the regular tightening and the accompanying backache. The dull lower backache that went away only after the contraction eased.
Nothing else happened on the night of 12th Feb.... 13th Feb... and now it's 14th Feb. Will Hannah be a V day baby? Or post-V day baby? Or do you think we will be seeing the Gynae's face again on Monday? What a game! :P
Anyway with the weight and immobility and the knowledge that I will be stuck at home for a month very very soon, I began to shop online. I am simply addicted to buying books from the online library.
Nothing else happened on the night of 12th Feb.... 13th Feb... and now it's 14th Feb. Will Hannah be a V day baby? Or post-V day baby? Or do you think we will be seeing the Gynae's face again on Monday? What a game! :P
Anyway with the weight and immobility and the knowledge that I will be stuck at home for a month very very soon, I began to shop online. I am simply addicted to buying books from the online library.
The Home Library Online is a site set up by this home schooling family based in Singapore - Loyang to be exact. The mother of 4, home- schooled the kids and also sell books online. Those books are cheaper because she waived the shipping charges and because she has used them before, the books are all nicely selected already. I was on a shopping frenzy! I ordered 20 books! I have bought 2 from her previously so I am assured of their reliability. Can't wait for the books to arrive. Then I can start reading to Hannah. hahaha... yea, read to her books about Vincent Van Gogh and the sunflowers.... Monet... Picasso... (seriously, I bought a few books on these famous artists. My interest on these painters sparked off from my research while coming up with the Arts curriculum for the school. And these books are actually written for children in the form of picture books. So I think they will be woderful resources to keep and to broaden Hannah's knowledge.:)
Here's the list of new books I've bought:
1) A Chocolate Moose for Dinner - Fred Gwynne

3) One Potato: A Counting Book of Potato Prints - Pomeroy Diana

4) Favourite Poems of Childhood- Philip Smith
5) A Child's Garden of Verses - Robert Louis Stevenson

6) Anholt's Artists- The Magical Gargen of Claude Monet
7) Anholt's Artists- Picasso and the Girl with a Ponytail

8)Katie Meets the Impressionists - James Mayhew

10)Mike Venezia- Michelangelo (Getting to know the World's Greatest Artists)

11) Mike Venezia- Rembrandt (Getting to know the world's Greatest Artists)

12) Are you a Butterfly? - Judy Allen

13) Are you a Dragonfly? - Judy Allen

15)Are you a Lady bug? - Judy Allen

16) Are you a Bee? - Judy Allen

17) A Mink, A Fink , A Skating Rink: What is a noun?- Brian Cleary

18) Dearly, Nearly, insincerely: What is an Adverb? - Brian Cleary

19) Lives of the musicians: Good Tims, Bad Times (And what the Neighbours Thought)
20) One Grain of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale - Demi

Time to get a new bookshelf man! My collection of books is already oozing out from the current shelf. BUT books are treasure that is worth the keep and investment. I love books!
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