Wednesday, February 11, 2009

39 weeks and counting

This lil baby is going to have her buttocks squeezed by EVERYONE. Me included. She is kind of like daddy and mummy. Very contented with the way things are. Not too keen to step into a whole new world unless necessary. Guess baby must either be:
1) SUPER contented with the security and warmth inside the womb
2) SUPER clever knowing that once she's out, she would have no more good food but MILK.
3) SUPER lazy because she knows she has to work really hard to get herself out through the birth canal.
4) SUPER cheeky, playing hide and seek with daddy and mummy.

I wonder.

Anyway she's getting lower by the day. I can feel her descending almost each day. My feet are beginning to swell more. Weight gain has become stagnant already. Total weight gain: 11kg. All signs of labour. So we shall all hold our breath and wait.

My gf said when you are nearing your EDD, you just can't wait to get the baby out. It seems like baby has been in there forever. BUT once she comes out, you will be so fatigued that you wanna squeeze her back! lol. That's human nature I guess, whatever's on the other side of the pasture is always better. I shall learn to enjoy each moment.

We're seeing the gyane again tonight. Let's see what he's gotta say. Two nights ago I couldn't sleep and I got so frustrated that I told hubby I'm going to get Hannah induced out! haha.. Now that I've got a full night of rest, i'm more rationale. Shall let the doc. decide what is the best for this lil' one.

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