Sunday, February 8, 2009

9 days to go

I did not expect myself to last till this day. I thought the trend runs in the family, that I would deliver on the 37th week just like mum and sis. Looks like every pregnancy is different after all.
EDD is 18th Feb and it's 9th Feb today. I haven't felt any signs of her coming. Well, I do feel her great descend actually. The pressure on the entire pelvis area. The difficulty in walking. The weight. But I don't feel any contractions that are painful - yet. The water bag is still intact too.

I have however, moved on from impending impatience to the serene calmness in my state of mind. I reckon this is beyond my control anyway. So just enjoy the moment and the leave and wait for God's perfect timing to arrive.

Meanwhile I shall enjoy the freedom and all the time in the world to do what I like and get all ready for our lil princess to come by... or should I say big fat princess? :P

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