Monday, November 16, 2009


J came by today and though we are more of business aquaintance, she poured out her heart to me. Well... maybe she needed an additional avenue to let that hurt and anger flow. Betrayal, hurt and simply the fact that she has sacrificed everything she had did not seem to pay off at all. My heart went out to her.

8 years of courtship, two decades of marriage... a seemingly blissful family completed with children ended with the appearance of another party. The pain in her eyes and her tone when she spoke. The hurt that she tried to conceal. The anger in her speech. My heart went out to her.

Wasn't she once a beautiful bride filled with joy in her eyes as she said that marriage vow?

Wasn't she once full of hope and pride when she presented to her parents " This is the man I want to marry."

Wasn't she the one who as a little girl looked forward to being a bride don with a long train and veil?

Wasn't she the one who was willing to give up all that she had for the family whom she was willing to lay her life down?

Something within me broke.

She regretted her decision. Felt that she did not deserve all that.

She certainly does not.

What is our world coming to?

I pray that Hannah will find someone who will stay true to her someday. That she will marry someone who will cherish her and love her not for a few decades but for as long as she lives. Someone who despite all odds, will hold on to her hand and finish the path that they vow to do so.

Seriously... if not... I'd rather she stays single and stay with me always.


  1. feel for your friend too...really v. sad and it is true that nowadays relationship faces more challenge like never before..

    it would be a blessing to find someone who stay with us against all odds (including ourselves at times)

    continue to pray for Hannah, one day she would appreciate that you did! =)

  2. Have faith....

    I know You, Hannah, Me and Chloe will live happily ever after (with their loved ones or whether single) - cos why? we have faith



